Traffic is one of the most important aspects of your website. If you have no traffic visiting your site, you simply cannot make any sales. So no matter how good your website looks or how awesome your blog posts are, without people visiting your site, it is literally impossible to make money online.
But how exactly do you get more traffic to your website?
In this article, I'm going to show you several great ways to actually boost traffic to your site. They are not only simple, but extremely effective at driving traffic on a consistent basis.
I personally utilize these exact strategies within my own websites and I've honestly seen a huge boost to the amount of visitors coming to my sites.
3 Simple Ways to Boost Traffic...
These 3 strategies are specifically detailed in the affiliate training platform that I used to learn how to start my online business.
Follow these strategies and I promise you'll begin to see a massive boost in your traffic.
1. Choose Strong Keywords Using Keyword Tools and Google Search
While your content needs to be engaging and well written, choosing the right keywords is even more important. If your keywords are all wrong, you don't stand a chance of ranking within the search engines.
The key is to stay away from keywords that are simply too broad. These keywords are often times way too competitive and not worth it. Also make sure that you are targeting keywords that people are actually searching for.
In reality it's better to target low-competition, long tail keywords. And it helps if you are answering a question that is common within your niche. Helping people solve problems is a great way to drive traffic.
My Go-To Keyword Research Tool is Jaaxy. It is one of the most comprehensive and user-friendly keyword tools that I've found. Whenever I begin constructing a new blog post, I open up Jaaxy and start with keyword research.
After you've found a few really good targeted keywords, check out the competition by using Google Search. This will help you decide if it's a good keyword for you. Simply plug your keyword into the search bar and see what your competition (who is already ranking) is doing and how you need to structure your content.
As I mentioned before, the training at Wealthy Affiliate covers all of this in detail and dives deep into keyword research and how to find keywords that will not only drive traffic, but also lead to conversions and sales. Here are a couple of excellent tutorials on the subject, that I highly recommend checking out:
2. Properly Structure Your Content
It is extremely important to build a good structure for your content before you even start writing. Creating a good headline and relevant subheadings will keep your content focused and ensure that you get your point across accurately.
A good way to accomplish this is to build templates for your content. This way, you can create your headlines and subheadings for the specific article and then simply fill in the blanks. In other words, you won't have to spend all your time re-building the outline if you have a generic template already created.
Basically a good content structure helps the reader discover what they were actually looking for when they clicked on your post. It also helps you stay on topic when you are writing. The last thing you want to do is confuse your readers because you went off on a rabbit trail that doesn't really pertain to the main topic.
3. Be Consistent with Your Content
Finally, it is fundamentally important that you are consistent with your content. If you write a single blog post every other month, you will not see a massive boost in traffic. However, if you are consistent and pump out 2-3 posts per week, you will notice that the traffic will start pouring in.
One way that I like to accomplish this is by setting schedules and goals for my website. I have a schedule that I map out at the beginning of the month of what content I'm going to produce. I also set deadlines, so that I am more accountable. This honestly just keeps me on a consistent writing schedule so that I don't have to worry about going weeks or months without producing content.
Use spreadsheets or content planning programs to help you become a consistent writing machine.
Related Article at!
Ask yourself “Are You Being Consistent With Your Content?”
What More Traffic Can Mean For Your Website...
Obviously the more traffic coming into your website, the more potential customers, leads, and conversions you can get. But more traffic can also mean that you are becoming an authority in your niche.
People will begin to associate you and your website with the niche you are in and this can basically create brand awareness. Also, Google really likes this, so having more traffic will just generate more traffic as Google ranks you higher and suggests your content to your audience.
The more traffic that you have consistently visiting your site, will mean that companies will want to affiliate with you and this can mean a massive income potential. When companies see that you have a large audience, you become extremely valuable to them. They might even offer you brand deals or sponsorships, etc.
Traffic can seem like a daunting task, but if you implement the strategies I've mentioned here, you will find that it really isn't that hard to accomplish. The key is to keep at it and create quality content that people will want more of.
If You Build it, They Will Come...
Don't give up and assume that you can't one day find yourself on not only page one of google, but one of the top 3. It is achievable and as a result, the traffic to your website will begin to soar.

Creating consistent content that includes relevant and strong keywords will be the catalyst that drives massive traffic to your website.
Develop the skills and over time you will have so much traffic you won't know what to do with it all. But just remember that traffic is not just a visitor to your site, but a REAL person. So offer value in your content and they will keep coming back.
If you want even more training on this topic, check out “The Traffic Breakdown”

Elizabeth teaches people how to make money online through affiliate marketing. Her tips and strategies help readers earn a Full-Time Income from home. She shares easy steps for success on her blog. Follow her to start your journey!